Tuesday, March 9, 2010


My first knitting project is done! What a feeling of accomplishment! It took 13 days from start to finish and about a skein and a half of Encore Chunky light blue yarn. It's 5 feet long and was done in a knit three, purl three pattern for all but the ends, which are knit 4 purl 2 (or purl 2, knit 4, depending on which end you're looking at).

Binding off was not too difficult. I learned how in my first lesson and I went on YouTube and found a video to help refresh my memory. Then came hiding the ends, weaving them through the knitted stitches.

The scarf isn't perfect, but whose first knitting project is? There are some wacky stitches, especially toward the end I started with. Naturally, the stitches got more even as the scarf went on and my knitting experience grew by the day. I learned how to fix dropped stitches on my own, after visiting Needles in the Haymarket a couple of times and having someone there help me get out of whatever trouble I managed to get myself into. When I start learning the more advanced stuff like increases and decreases, I'm sure my wonderful knitting gurus will be there to bail me out of some even trickier trouble. At least, the trouble seems trickier to me now because it's the trouble I don't know (as opposed to the trouble I do know, like dropped stitches).

So, I'll have to take a one-day break from knitting tomorrow since I start my next lesson and next project on Thursday. It will be interesting to see what kind of needles and what kind of yarn they'll have me using. I want to try some with more than one color in it. I see all these colorful skeins at the shop and think they look so cool.

My Red Sox schooled the Marlins today, 9-0. Made for a good day to finish my first project.